How To Prepare Your Video Montage
Please follow these instructions when preparing your pictures, music and video clips for your montage. Please plan ahead and kindly allow our editor at least 7 business days prior to your event to prepare your montage.
If you need help, please call our office at (516) 487-0010 or email us at When emailing us, please always include your event date and type in the subject line.
- For a montage that will be viewed during an event, please limit your total number of pictures to 100. This will allow for an interesting, yet not too long viewing experience for your guests. For a montage only for the beginning of your edited video, please limit your total number of pictures to about 30.
- For a wedding montage, please separate your images into 3 groups: bride, groom and together/engagement.
- If you are giving us printed pictures, please number them on the back with a pencil in the order you would like them to appear. Please do not use ink, as it can easily transfer to other images!
- If you are giving us digital images, either on a CD or flash drive, please number each file in the correct order. Also, please make sure your pictures are at least 1MB or larger. This is very important because images smaller than 1MB will appear blurry on the large screen. Please DO NOT download images from Facebook because theses files are too small. If your images are less than 1MB, but larger than 500KB, we may still be able to use them. However, theses smaller images will be shown 2 or more at a time to appear sharper.
- Please do not email us pictures! Most email systems reduce images in size during the sending process. Please only email us a picture if you have no other option. Be sure to label the image with the correct order number (so we know where to add it in the montage) and please put your event date and type in the subject line!
- Please provide us with your event's invitation if you would like it included in your montage.
Video Clips
You may provide us with video clips to include in your montage. Please clearly label your video with the times of the section you would like us to use. Also, please write a small description of that section so we can be sure to use the correct part. Please indicate for us where in the montage you would like the video to appear (the beginning, end or at a specific picture number).
Please provide us with at least 3 songs for your montage. You may simply list your choices, providing the title and artist, or give us the actual song file. Please tell us if you have a specific order you would like the songs in, or during which section of the montage you would like the song played. If your montage is to be viewed during your event, please choose more upbeat songs to keep your guests interested. If you do not have specific songs in mind, simply tell us what type of music we should play (English, Persian, Hebrew, religious) and our editors will choose for you.
2012 & 2013 SPECIALS
Secure your memories for a lifetime!
Take home a new hard drive, pre-filled with all the video (unedited & edited), plus all the pictures from your event for only $300!
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